Motherhood recommendations by Marissa Anastasi: Be easier on yourself. Know that some days you can’t do it all. I’m a stay at home Mom but I consider it my job to keep my kids and hubby happy, healthy and keep up with the house. Honestly, I’m still trying to find the right balance, but being easy on myself and knowing that some days I cannot do it all is okay. Some days the kids are happy and we went somewhere fun but we have frozen pizza for dinner and some days the kids watch three movies in a row so that I can catch up on laundry and prepare a healthy dinner.
Don’t Try to Be the Perfect Mother. “There is no such thing [as being the perfect mother],” Auerbach says. “Being a mom is one of the hardest titles to hold but one of the most rewarding. Trust your instincts and don’t judge yourself through social media. Do not be hard on yourself or get discouraged if you fail. If you fall down, get back up, and try something else,” she adds. Know That It’s Okay to Do Things Differently. “Breastfeeding may not happen for you, [whether it’s] hard to latch, a medical condition, or it just might not be what you want to do,” Auerbach explains. “This is extremely common; do not think you are a failure,” she continues. Know You’re Doing Amazing. “No matter what’s going on—even through the tough days and the sleepless nights—just know that you are the best mama in the world to your baby. When things get tough, you’ll know what to do. You were made for this and you are doing incredible,” Scott says.
Spend time with them – on their terms. Spend time with your child, but not on your terms, on theirs. If they like concerts, go with them. Have a family movie night and let your children choose the movies that you watch. You can have one night where a child chooses the movie and another night where an adult chooses the movie. Or, each family can take a turn to choose. The important thing is to meet them on their level, on their terms. This will show that you are taking an interest in them, their lives and their world. And that will mean the world to them. Read more info on Parenting advices.
Connection in my parenting journey, and especially in my relationship, because we have someone that we made together that we both love so much. The connection with this little person who shows up every day with their heart on their sleeve is the most profound love. Having a whole new perspective on life. The little things don’t seem to matter so much any more. I am responsible for another human being and that is more important than any issues at work or car troubles.
Since Kenny was born, I had been a stay at home mummy until Isabella was 4 which is when I started teaching younger kids. I done that for 2 years but after my 3rd pregnancy, I never went back and decided to become a stay at home mummy once again. Now my youngest is 5 and 6, I decided I could maybe begin something new again. And so, in Late November 2018, I opened the doors to a kid’s concept store in Larnaca town centre. It’s difficult combining family and work, and sometimes the guilt is immense, but I have a lot of support from my husband when it comes to the children. Explore additional info on