Sell your business

Top buy and sell business brokerage? There are some websites where you can sell your business or buy a working business. Businesses are bought and sold every day, maybe you want to enter a new market or you want to exit a market. Maybe you think your business will develop to a new level with another person leading and you reached the ceiling of how high you can expand it. Let’s see some successful business deals and discuss a little about places where you can buy or sell a business.

Any business can be sold! Even websites, that are not really businesses, can be sold for a lot of money. The website Ugo was founded in 1997 as Unified Gamers Online (UGO) by Chris Sherman.Action World Inc. bought them very early on and decided to rename the business. They changed the name to UGO Networks, however the name didn’t stick for long as it was once again changed to Online Underground. Eventually it was sold on to the Hearst Corporation approximately $100 million. Fotolog was founded by Scott Heiferman, in 2002, and unfortunately the site began to have problems just 3yrs later in 2005 when the amount of visitors and members started to become too much for the websites servers. The website itself currently receives over 20 million unique visitors each month and was sold to Hi-Media Group for the tidy sum of $90 Million.

Tips for buying a business: Taking the first offer may not be a wise choice. This may not necessarily be your BEST offer. Selling your business for top dollar with little or no money down along with an extended contract may lead you to lose it all. Business sales often go bad after the new owner takes over. The new owner may lack business experience, have a closed mind or be a poor leader. The list goes on and on. A successful business owner makes it looks easy, but change that mix and disaster may strike. When this happens, the new owner ends up going out of business and leaves the previous owner holding an empty bag. It saddens me to see a business fail after years of success due to this lack of business sale judgement. Evaluate your options and make the best selection for the long term. Ask yourself, is this the best person to buy and run my business? Or, can they quickly connect with my customer base and learn how to market effectively? When the business sale goes as planned, it creates a tremendous opportunity for both business owners and the success continues. See extra info on Online marketplace for selling and buying business.

Shopify Exchange is one of the newest marketplaces you can use to buy and sell online businesses, and it’s the only platform that specifically focuses on Shopify businesses. There are advantages and disadvantages to this, but the main advantage is that when you buy an online business for sale on the Shopify Exchange, you know you’re getting a Shopify store. Since Shopify is one of the top and most highly recommended ecommerce platforms in the industry, (we discuss why in our Shopify Review: The Pros & Cons of Selling on Shopify article) this is a good thing! It’s also great because Shopify sellers integrate their stores directly with the Shopify Exchange, so they can’t edit or change any of the data that gets pulled into their store’s sales listing like their traffic and revenue numbers. This means that you’re less likely to have any of that important information withheld from you by the seller.

Speaking of Shopify stores, back in November 2017 Shopify officially launched Exchange after testing the model on their website (subdomain to be exact). Model is very simple in this marketplace. You can buy established stores and starter stores that are based only on Shopify. So if you are into dropshipping, for example, this could be the perfect gateway! Why? In these listings you already have almost everything laid out, and in some cases, even the inventory is stocked up! Although you can theoretically get your foot in the door by buying a low-value store with $500, and there are a few stores priced that low. I wouldn’t recommend it. Usually, what I’ve seen, stores that make some sense are priced at $7,000, all the way up to $2.5 million (highest I’ve seen on the time of creation of this post). Out of all the marketplaces listed here, this one is the newest.

Craigslist is a no-frills, essentially text-based marketplace for virtually any and all products sold. The site is categorized by Country, State, Territory, with listings from the United States to Africa. Clicking on a specific State or Territory allows merchants to post products to sell based within the “For Sale” and “Services” sections. Once registered merchants can create a Craigslist post and upload an image and description; the post “masks” the contact email so that the seller remains anonymous to individuals looking to purchase items or services. Craigslist has the look and feel of old-school online forums; there are no product amount limits, no buyer or seller programs, and few restrictions. A good place to sell products but not the best place to drive your business marketing strategy. You might be surprised by the sales volume you get off Craigslist.

BizForSell works as a hub for business brokers as well. Business sellers can search and contact business brokers on the website to assist them with the selling process or business brokers can post advertisements themselves to find buyers of their clients’ business. All the related stakeholders can help each other this way through BizForSell connection. Moreover, we also allow registered brokers to publish business related blogs and connect to businesses in general. We offer very convenient options for sellers, buyers, and brokers of businesses. Business buyers can easily browse businesses locally and find the best possible deal . With a fast-growing audience of sellers, buyers, and brokers, you can be sure of finding something suitable for you on this marketplace if you search! We provide solutions to sellers, buyers and brokers worldwide. Source: